Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's All About Money

There it goes the famous movie line "It's all about money...." Yeah, sure, money really matters, especially when the great band Oasis' concert's coming up! This is the first time for the band to visit Taiwan. Though hopefully not the last time, I still take it very seriously as if there is no tomorrow for the band.
So there it goes, the concert's going to be held in Banciou, a satellite city of Taipei's in the south bound. The point isn't whether Oasis is going to play Slide Away or Supersonic, the thing is that I don't have enough cash to buy the ticket! Basicly I'm talking about the front stage tickets for you can't see shit from the rear seats and bringing a binocular to a concert is the last thing I want to do.
I guess I'll have to face the fact that I don't have a wealthy family that could support my luxuries. But thinking over again, trying to attend a concert sounds somewhat lavishing for me. I don't really need to see my favorite band face to face to support them or show my love for them. All I need to do is make sure I buy their CDs, and people really should do this. Buying someone's CDs is not only a certification of good music, it is the most direct way of showing your love for them and the cash you gave out will turn out to be funds for their further musics, which should sound good or even better.
However noble buying a CD would be, the point still remain the same. I don't have 3600 for the concert.
Maybe I should go get a job.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Starting

Hey there, people. I got this new spot on Blogger for the 2009 spring's blog project. I guess its gonna be more fun using blogger here. MySpace's got the resource though, but I think its probably the time to have some changes. After all, changes is what we need in life, ain't it?
That's about it, better go check out some of the other functions up here.