Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Genres : The "New" Metal

Hi, folks. Today I'll talk about a popular rock music genre - the Nu-Metal. But before we get started, I'll put on a little review for us.
Along the long walk of rock music, hardrock emerged in the mid-70s and gave birth to the first metal music(such as Iron Maiden in 1983) in the early 80s. What followed was a whole family of metal music - Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Power Metal, Hardcore Punk, Goth Metal, Industrial...all kinds of songs sounding like whatever you can imagine and singing around just about any theme, you name it. When history made its way to the mid-90s, here the new metal music arrive - the Nu-metal.
As if "Indie Rock" got it's name from the pronouncing of "Independent", "Nu-Metal" came from "New" metal. Nu-Metal, speaking roughly, is a fusion of Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Alternative Rock. Songs are often composed with the appearance of simple riffs brought out by powerful tones, and is often envolved with DJs mixing up the guitar and bass sounds. The Nu-Metal tide was first kicked out by Korn, and they sound something like this:

Korn - Ya'll Want A Single

In the meantime, two other strong competitives of Nu-Metal had also rised in the states, and they were Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park. They both own a guitarist, a bassist, a drummer, a DJ and of course a vocalist. At this point of time, the essential combination (or stereotype in other words) of a Nu-Metal band was established. These two bands had done a massive impact to the rest of the rock bands across the globe, they not only inspired people that DJ and punk melodies make good music, they also brought up the passion of the crowd for the cool music.

Let's savor some of their works here:

Linkin Park - Given Up

Limp Bizkit - Nookie

Until today, the great gears of Nu-Metal is still spinning. More and more Nu-Metal bands pops out, and the tones turns even harder and more colorful then the music used to be. New techniques of mixing also made the music varify, satisfying the picky ears of modern headbangers. I recommend Dope as a harder version of Nu-Metal here:

Dope - Addiction

With time passes, the gigantic family tree of music expends its branches, springing out more and more splendid sounds we never had heard before. From the simple and powerful songs of Metallica's to the complex and brutal ones of Slipknot's, Music evolves with the fusions, and this is how Nu-Metal came. How will it sound tomorrow? Ten years later? We never know.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Runnin' Wild with Airbourne !

If you're a typical rocker like me or the others, you must had heard the awesome hardrockers AC/DC. Back in the 70s, it was the golden years of the Australian hardrock band AC/DC. Famous songs like Highway To Hell or Thunderstruck had really bombard the spirit of the teenagers of that generation, and as long as the track lives on, the rock element of AC/DC lives on, too.
AC/DC had released their latest album Black Ice in 2008 summer, though the flames of rock still burns inside their minds, they are in fact grandpas swinging guitars and drum sticks. What people need is a brand new squad of hradrock troopers.
And here they come! Directly inheirited the hradrock power of AC/DC, the Auz band Airbourne had proved their lineage - They are the descendents of AC/DC, they are the sons of hradrock! In this 2008 album Runnin Wild, Airbourne had made their points clear - they will run wild, play wild, and yell wild! Besides jumping around half naked, their songs are real good pieces of works. From this album, Stand Up For Rock 'N Roll was selected as the opening music of the wrestling show Smack Down in 2008, and the track Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast had tell the world what rockers are and what we can do to make a difference.
I knew that I've mentioned their forefather AC/DC, now let's have a quick flashback on the good old days of these once-youth old people

Highway To Hell (AC/DC, German TV, 1979)

And now, the new generation of hardrock heroes!

Runnin' Wild

Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast

Do notice the truck driver in the video of Runnin Wild, he's Lenny, the front man of the famous rock band Motorhead! I think that hradrock is the music just right for inspiring people and spurring their strength and will. If you're having a bad day, put on some hardrock in your stereo, and I'm sure that you'll find some answers for life.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

They rock, they make history, they're Oasis!

What comes to the elder's minds when mentioned of Rock 'N Roll are forefathers like Led Zeppelin, ZZ Top, Deep Purple or the classic Rolling Stones; but when the issue lands on the young generation(which I meant us, haha), the answer would probably be U2, Coldplay, Green Day, and Oasis. Yes, Oasis, the band which had done a mass influence on the others and the later ones, will always live in the generation's heart.
Last summer, 2008, they released their latest album Dig Out Your Soul which shines like the August hot sun. Fans had been long anticipating, and the band did not let us down.
The hit The Shock of the Lightning was a total successful single, and though singing about love, it would not be a cliche like the others for it focused on the moment of falling into love, shocking, as if lightning.
And of course there are more rock music of innovative and progressive sounds, like the other great track Falling Down:

Oasis really made an indiscribable impact on the world of Rock 'N Roll. The creativity of the Gallagher brothers(the core of the band) in music had led to various changes around the world, not only spurred the develop of alternative and fusion rock, but also inspired a lot of people who play rock music.
The word "oasis" will no longer simply represent a place enriched with resource in the desert, nor only a rock band which had made a great fortune through recording. It has transformed into a symbol, a symbol of the innovation of Rock 'N Roll across the 90s until 2008.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The return of Lamb Of God

Hello to every headbangers across the globe! The great band of metalcore - Lamb of God - had came back from hell and ready to storm heaven with a new wave of hardcore guitar riffs and Randy's furious roar!
Okay, I know it's probably a little too late for me to talk about this new release of theirs, Wrath, here, but I'm sure that this February master piece is still discussible today.
Let's flash back for those who aren't familiar with the band. As we know that Lamb Of God was called Burn The Priest at their early days, but then changed their name into Lamb Of God due to numours banning on broadcasting(some venue owners believing the band possessed an "evil" name). Anyways, after the long journey from New American Gospel, Ashes of the Wake and Sacrament, the latest release Wrath would still stand a success. Apart from the past, Lamb of God got this album started up with the calm track The Passing, and in songs like Set To Fail or Dead Seeds, we can notice the transform of the band too, but still savor some original slautering of the old days.
A little transform and a little progess, the lamb was definitely sure which direction it's heading for.
Overall, a nice album for old school metalheads and the late generation headbangers.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's All About Money

There it goes the famous movie line "It's all about money...." Yeah, sure, money really matters, especially when the great band Oasis' concert's coming up! This is the first time for the band to visit Taiwan. Though hopefully not the last time, I still take it very seriously as if there is no tomorrow for the band.
So there it goes, the concert's going to be held in Banciou, a satellite city of Taipei's in the south bound. The point isn't whether Oasis is going to play Slide Away or Supersonic, the thing is that I don't have enough cash to buy the ticket! Basicly I'm talking about the front stage tickets for you can't see shit from the rear seats and bringing a binocular to a concert is the last thing I want to do.
I guess I'll have to face the fact that I don't have a wealthy family that could support my luxuries. But thinking over again, trying to attend a concert sounds somewhat lavishing for me. I don't really need to see my favorite band face to face to support them or show my love for them. All I need to do is make sure I buy their CDs, and people really should do this. Buying someone's CDs is not only a certification of good music, it is the most direct way of showing your love for them and the cash you gave out will turn out to be funds for their further musics, which should sound good or even better.
However noble buying a CD would be, the point still remain the same. I don't have 3600 for the concert.
Maybe I should go get a job.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

New Starting

Hey there, people. I got this new spot on Blogger for the 2009 spring's blog project. I guess its gonna be more fun using blogger here. MySpace's got the resource though, but I think its probably the time to have some changes. After all, changes is what we need in life, ain't it?
That's about it, better go check out some of the other functions up here.