Saturday, April 18, 2009

They rock, they make history, they're Oasis!

What comes to the elder's minds when mentioned of Rock 'N Roll are forefathers like Led Zeppelin, ZZ Top, Deep Purple or the classic Rolling Stones; but when the issue lands on the young generation(which I meant us, haha), the answer would probably be U2, Coldplay, Green Day, and Oasis. Yes, Oasis, the band which had done a mass influence on the others and the later ones, will always live in the generation's heart.
Last summer, 2008, they released their latest album Dig Out Your Soul which shines like the August hot sun. Fans had been long anticipating, and the band did not let us down.
The hit The Shock of the Lightning was a total successful single, and though singing about love, it would not be a cliche like the others for it focused on the moment of falling into love, shocking, as if lightning.
And of course there are more rock music of innovative and progressive sounds, like the other great track Falling Down:

Oasis really made an indiscribable impact on the world of Rock 'N Roll. The creativity of the Gallagher brothers(the core of the band) in music had led to various changes around the world, not only spurred the develop of alternative and fusion rock, but also inspired a lot of people who play rock music.
The word "oasis" will no longer simply represent a place enriched with resource in the desert, nor only a rock band which had made a great fortune through recording. It has transformed into a symbol, a symbol of the innovation of Rock 'N Roll across the 90s until 2008.


  1. Well, it’s quite surprising for me when I clicked the entry and heard how a rock ‘n roll band interprets the moment of falling in love! Familiar with the way an orchestra deal with love themes, I am really amazed when hearing a totally different way of "falling in love;" and I have to say, after a minute, I started to found the feeling it wants to send out! Interesting experience!

  2. Nice band, nice music! Classical musics explains love in some wonderful ways,too. You might not know but I love some classic musics as well lol. Good to have you responding!
