Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The return of Lamb Of God

Hello to every headbangers across the globe! The great band of metalcore - Lamb of God - had came back from hell and ready to storm heaven with a new wave of hardcore guitar riffs and Randy's furious roar!
Okay, I know it's probably a little too late for me to talk about this new release of theirs, Wrath, here, but I'm sure that this February master piece is still discussible today.
Let's flash back for those who aren't familiar with the band. As we know that Lamb Of God was called Burn The Priest at their early days, but then changed their name into Lamb Of God due to numours banning on broadcasting(some venue owners believing the band possessed an "evil" name). Anyways, after the long journey from New American Gospel, Ashes of the Wake and Sacrament, the latest release Wrath would still stand a success. Apart from the past, Lamb of God got this album started up with the calm track The Passing, and in songs like Set To Fail or Dead Seeds, we can notice the transform of the band too, but still savor some original slautering of the old days.
A little transform and a little progess, the lamb was definitely sure which direction it's heading for.
Overall, a nice album for old school metalheads and the late generation headbangers.

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